..pumpkins and pastels, paint and 'pology...
Well, I couldn't have planned to have the 13th meeting of HAG - Hilgay Art Group - on or around Halloween if I tried, but there you are.
Back to business - just in case you thought I could multi-task...
I appear to have fallen into a rut of either writing my HAG blog at the last minute, on the day of the meeting, or have even missed writing one blog post entirely.
I find that presently, most if not all of my time is taken up with launching, printing, promoting and selling the two calendars I have out now - i.e. the 'Downham Market 2013' Calendar, and delivered just this morning hot off the rolling feline presses - 'Cat Tales 2013'! Both calendars are also raising money for local charities when purchased either directly from me or online via my website.
Pamela... |
Linda... |
During an informal discussion with members last time, it was agreed that that the fee per meeting from tonight would be raised from £3.00 to £4.00. This would more easily cover the cost of setting up and running the art group, refreshments, and also the time spent maintaining an online presence, particularly when we have lower attendance - many thanks for your support.
Since I've notified absent members pretty much at the last minute I sure we'll take a flexible view of what is paid into the pot this evening.
Ann... |
Vivien... |
I have felt that although there are members who will come in and either take part in the still lifes/lives I have set up or simply get along with personal projects, there might also be an interest in other members to follow a more structured approach to their art group experience.
This evening I will set up a third still life of bottles, and will ask for this to be executed in one colour only, allowing light and shade to play their part. Paint, pastels, or coloured pencils for example will be fine for this exercise, or of course any other medium you prefer.
Sarah... |
Turkish Delight...? |
Members have expressed an interest in purchasing my Downham Market 2013 calendar (thanks to all), so for convenience sake - although I am selling them on the market square, craft fairs, and via various local retailers, bless them (phew! I've never been so busy...) - I will certainly bring some in with me this evening.
'Downham Market 2013' |
'Cat tales 2013' |
Thanks again for all your consideration and support.
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